Beneficial Nematodes

 GENERAL INFORMATION: Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) are microscopic in size and cannot be seen with the naked eye. But the 7 million active units in each pint container will hunt down, penetrate, and kill most soil dwelling pests. BN will attack over wintering adult insects, pupae, diapausing larvae, and grubs when they are in the soil, bark, or even ground litter. BN do not affect humans, animals, or plants. They are completely compatible with beneficial insects such as ladybugs, lacewings, and praying mantids and do not harm earthworms.

USE: Beneficial Nematodes (BN) attack more than 230 kinds of soil dwelling and wood boring pests, such as flea larvae, white grubs, cutworms, corn root worms, strawberry weevils, gypsy moth larvae, cabbage root maggots, fungus gnat larvae, black vine weevils, and many more.

RELEASE: BN may be released by spraying with water, mixing with mulch and applying directly to the soil or potting mix, or injecting into burrows. They may be used any time of year, as long as the ground is not frozen. Do not release in direct sunlight, as this will kill them. See directions for details. COVERAGE: Will cover up to 200 square feet, but faster results are obtained with higher concentrations, covering only 200 square feet.


7 Million Live Beneficial Nematodes

by Hirts: Beneficial Insects

  • These microscopic insects will seek out and destroy over 230 kinds of soil dwelling and wood boring insects
  • They are completely compatible with beneficial insects such as ladybugs, lacewings, and praying mantids and do not harm earthworms.
  • Will not affect humans, animals, or plants

BENEFICIAL NEMATODES These microscopic insects will seek out and destroy over 230 kinds of soil dwelling and wood boring insects, including cutworms, armyworms, rootworms, weevils, grubs, fungus gnat larvae, and many more. They are completely safe for people, pets, and the environment, and are compatible with other beneficial insects. Beneficial nematodes are shipped live in the box and may be mixed directly into the soil and are applied with a sprayer.

  • For lawns & gardens 1 pint contains7 million AU. For use in soil concentrated SCANMASK is diluted with soil, peat moss, etc., for use on boring insects dilute with water.
  • For pest insects spending all or part of their life in or on soil, apply SCANMASK as a mulch, as a top dressing, in seed furrows, or in transplant holes at planting. No expensive equipment needed.
  • For lawn insects use as a topdressing, then water in. Use 1 pint to spot treat 370 sq. ft. infested with white grubs.
  • For boring insects prepare a water suspension of SCANMASK. Inject the suspension into burrows or spray it. Pressure, hose end, or aerosol sprayers are suitable. SCANMASK will hunt down and kill pests in their burrows as no chemical can.
  • SCANMASK is compatible with botanical and biological insecticides.
  • SCANMASK can be applied during the fall, spring, or summer, any time soil is not frozen. It works on overwintering forms of pest insects when they are in soil, bark, or ground litter.
  • Indoors use SCANMASK to fight pests like black vine weevils, fungus gnats and their larvae on houseplants or hot house vegetables. Spread it on top of the soil or use it in potting soil.
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