Hydroponic Dill

Growing Dill Hydroponically
Dill is takes well to hydroponic growing. Unlike herbs such as basil and parsley, dill does not keep producing foliage as it is pruned. Therefore, to assure a steady supply of dill, plan on successive plantings about every 3 or 4 weeks.

Buy seedlings or grow them yourself from seed. The very best variety of dill for hydroponic growing is `Fernleaf' dill sold in most garden centers and in many seed catalogs. `Fernleaf' is a shorter, more compact form that grows to only about 18 inches, while offering bushy foliage for snipping. ‘Bouquet’ dill is still compact but grows to about 30 inches.

Succession Planting - Plant a series of young dill plants for hydroponic growing. Start with two seedlings, then start two more in 3 weeks. In 3 or 4 more weeks, add yet another pair of seedlings among the established ones. As they mature progressively, they provide a constant supply of dill.

Light Requirements
Outdoors - Dill wants full sun if the hydroponic system is set outside, meaning 5 or 6 hours of sun each day.
Indoors - To grow dill indoors, you can set up the system on a sunny kitchen counter or near a south facing window that admits plenty of sun. However, you get much better results using artificial lighting. Flourescent bulbs are good and high intensity lights are better.

Feeding Requirements ???

Harvest hydroponic dill much the same as you do with your dill out in the garden.

More Information - For complete instructions for hydroponic growing techniques go to Hydroponic Gardening and for all equipment and supplies go to Hydroponic Equipment in the Yardener's Tool Shed.

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