Using Santolina

Santolinas contribute foliage color and texture as well as flowers to the landscape. Plant them among roses where their silvery foliage will set off the rose blooms. Plant them among colorful petunias in containers on the patio or porch, or in window boxes. Use them for attractive erosion controlling groundcover on slopes, or as edging for walks and drives. Clip them closely for small hedges, or allow them to reach a bit and take a place toward the front of a flower border. Interplant them with their cousin, green santolina, for an interesting foliage color combination. These plants are perfect for areas with sandy or gravelly soil where nothing else will grow.

Cutting/Displaying Indoors: Santolina foliage enhances indoor flower displays. Save any long branches that have been pruned for this use. Cut flower stalks when the flowers are just about fully developed and hang them upside down in a dry warm place like an attic to air dry them for dried arrangements. For more information see the files on Keeping Cut Flowers and Cut Flower Supplies

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