Some Popular Varieties:
Border Forsythia: (Forsythia x intermedia):
‘Spectabilis’ grows to 9 feet tall, spreads to 7 feet.
‘Linwood Gold’ has an upright growth habit, growing to 7 feet tall.
‘Primulina’ features flowers paler yellow than most and grows to 8 feet.
‘Nana’ is a dwarf form, grows to only 5 feet high and 8 feet wide after 12 years.
‘Spring Glory’ has brilliant yellow blooms, grows to 8 feet.
Other Forsythia Options:
Weeping Forsythia (Forsythia suspensa) has weeping, drooping branches.
Tetragold Early Forsythia (Forsythia ovata): ‘Tetragold’ blooms earliest of all forsythias. It has a mounded form 4 to 6 feet tall.
Green Stem Forsythia (Forsythia viridissima): ‘Broxensis’ grows to a dense one foot tall, spreads 2 or 3 feet.
Choices of Forsythia
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