Choosing Hardy Ferns

Some Ferns That Are Good For Home Landscapes:
Maidenhair fern (Adiatum pedatum) is 12 to 18 inches tall, delicate fronds with reddish cast; spreads well but is not invasive.

Lady Fern (Athyrium felix-femina) 36 inches tall, many forms, easy to grow.

Japanese painted fern (Athyrium niponicum pictum) grayish-green with red tints encouraged by brighter light, very beautiful.











Silvery glade fern (Athryium thelypteroides) handles sun, looks better in garden than along roadside.

Fragile fern (Cystopteris fragilis) dainty, needs lots of moisture, sturdier than its name implies.

Hay-scented fern (Dennstaedia punctilabula) adaptable to sun/shade, rapid spreader, nice smell, browns in heat of summer.

Goldie's fern (Dryopteris goldiana) very tall if sited in cool, moist shade; needs room to grow.

Marginal shield fern (Dryopteris marginalis), evergreen, medium sized, does not spread.

Christmas fern (Polystichum acrostichoides) is evergreen, spreads moderately, easily divided, tolerates partial sun.

New York fern (Thelypteris noveboracensis) medium height, invasive, withstands sun, browns early in fall.

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