Choosing Hibiscus

New For 2004
Hibiscus 'Luna Red' Hibiscus moschuetos
Very dramatic and impressive. Many eye-catching 7- to 8-inch showy blooms on big, bushy, well-branched 2- to 3-foot tall plants. Perennial in zones 5-9.Heat, cold and drought tolerant. Full sun container or garden. (Grown by Ball Seed Co.)

Additional Varieties to Consider
`Southern Belle' has flowers 10 inches or more, are 3 feet tall; `Ann Arundel', a Calvert hybrid, boasts 6 to 8 inch pink flowers, 4 to 5 feet tall; `Southern Belle Hybrid 'is an All-America winner, has a deep red eye in white, pink, rose, and red blossoms.

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