Lucky Bamboo

Lucky bamboo prefers a mostly shaded, warmer area of your home.  Lucky bamboo does best in temperatures above 70 degrees.  Cooler temperatures (relatively) will not harm the lucky bamboo, but they may go into hibernation in colder temperatures. 

Submerge the bottom of the plant a few inches in water.  Do not fertilize the lucky bamboo at all, ever, ever.  They thrive on water alone.  You don’t even have to change the water unless it is visibly dirty.  Use lukewarm water when replenishing the water supply.  

If you have a stalk that is too long for your arrangement, you can easily shorten it by cutting the desired length from the bottom of the stalk.  It is best to do any cutting in the warmer months, as the cool air will slow the development of your lucky bamboo.  Do the cutting under water.  This will minimize the chance of shocking the lant.  You should see new roots beginning to develop as soon as 2 weeks after cutting, but sometimes as long as 8 weeks in the winter.  Be sure to save the lower portion of the stalk that you remove, as it will sprout new leaves within a month or two. 



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