Pansy plant choices recommended by Nancy Szerlag in her Annuals For Michigan by Lone Pine Press.
V. tricolor (Johnny-jump-up) is a popular species. The flowers are purple, white and yellow, usually in combination, although several varieties have flowers in a single color, often purple. This plant will thrive in gravel.
‘Bowles Black’ has dark purple flowers that appear to be almost black. The centre of each flower is yellow.
‘Helen Mound’ (‘Helen Mount’) bears large flowers in the traditional purple, yellow and white combination.
V. x wittrockiana (Pansy) comes in blue, purple, red, orange, yellow, pink and white, often multi-colored or with face-like markings.
‘Floral Dance’ is popular for spring and fall displays as it is quite cold hardy; it has flowers in a variety of solid colors and multi-colors.
‘Imperial’ series bears large flowers in a good range of unique colors. For example, ‘Imperial Frosty Rose’ has flowers with deep rose pink centres that gradually pale to white near the edges of the petals.
‘Joker’ series has bicolored or multi-colored flowers with distinctive face markings. The flowers come in all colors.
‘Maxim Marina’ bears light blue flowers with white-rimmed dark blue blotches at the centre. This cultivar is tolerant of both hot and cold temperatures.
‘Watercolor’ series is a newer group of cultivars with flowers in delicate pastel shades.
Icicle Pansy® (Viola sp.)
Pansies in the past have always been plants that bloomed only in the early spring, and then when the heat came, they melted.
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Plant in locations with 6 to 12 hours of sunlight per day
Plant 6" to 8" apart.
Grows 6" to 8" tall.
Icicles will bloom in the fall and again in the spring if proper care instructions are followed
Plant in fertile, well-drained soil. Water, and apply all-purpose fertilizer at planting time. Fertilize again in spring. Water as needed during fall and spring.
Avoid wind-swept/exposed locations. Do not place near exposure to road salt or standing water. Plants may bloom until snow covers them, look dormant in winter, and will bloom again in warmer spring temperatures. Replace with annuals in late spring/early summer.
Not recommended for container gardening.
For more information about this line of pansies and violas go to