Planting Liriope

The Right Place
Blue lily-turf is hardy as far north as the Ohio Valley, into southern Pennsylvania and along the Atlantic coast up to Cape Cod (zone 6). Able to withstand salt spray, it is useful in seashore environments and other areas where winter temperatures do not normally fall much below 5F.
Planting Nursery Stock
Plant Blue lily-turf in the spring, in either a sunny or shady site. Set the plants at least 12 inches apart. In shade increase that to 15 inches apart, to permit adequate air circulation and prevent overly humid conditions. Set the plants deep enough so that their roots are completely covered with soil. The best soil for these plants is fertile and moist, and slightly acid ( pH range of 6.0 to 7.0), but they will tolerate dry more acid soil. (pH as low as 5.5)

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