Solving Tree Problems

Solving Problems

Here are some of the problems you might face.

The problem of a tree having roots growing above the surface of the soil is covered in Tree Surface Roots in the lawn care section.

Solving Tree Problems
SymptomsProbable Causes
Base Of Tree GirdledAbnormal Root Growth
Leaves Chewed; Perforated; CurledInsects
Leaves Discolored; CurledBacterial & Fungal Disease
Leaves Discolored & StippledAir Pollution
Leaves Wilt; Discolor; Fall OffDrought
Twigs Stunted or Dead; Leaves ScorchedSalt Damage
Base of Trunk Swollen; ScarredEquipment Injury
Foliage Burned; Limbs Die BackWinter Damage
Trunk Split; Bark Peeling OffLightning Damage
Trunk & Limbs GnawedRodents; Rabbits & Deer

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