Using Bearberry Cotoneaster

Bearberry Cotoneasters are often perfect a solution to an awkward bank in a yard. As an evergreen groundcover, they are one of the best. Several staggered rows of plants 4 feet apart all along a slope will completely cover the area within 2 to 3 years and will require very little maintenance. Bearberry Cotoneasters are also excellent "facer" plants, covering bare stems of taller shrubs and as foundation plants. A slightly more labor-intensive but quite effective way of using this plant is to train it against a wall as an espalier.

Cutting/Interior Display: Cut them early in the day with sharp pruners. Cut a slit in the ends of the stems and plunge them into warm water for an hour or two. Add about one half a can of some citrus flavored soda like Slice or 7Up to each quart of water in the container in which the branches are arranged. This will extend their indoor life. For more information see the files on Keeping Cut Flowers and Cut Flower Supplies

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