Using Tuberous Begonia

Use tuberous begonias as bedding plants in shady spots. They look lovely in front of shrubs or around trunks of specimen trees situated out on the lawn. Utilize the pendulous types of tuberous begonias in hanging baskets. Hang them off of porch eaves, tree branches, fences or wall hangers wherever there is light shade during the heat of the day. Tuberous begonias that have not been turned regularly as they developed indoors have a "front" and "back" side; that is, the flowers and leaves grow outward from one side only. Keep this in mind when you decide where and how to display the plants.

Container Gardening
Tuberous Begonias are superb in pots, hanging baskets or window boxes. Because they are shallow-rooted, they grow well in standard clay pots, moss-lined wire baskets, shallow bulb pans or window boxes. Containers should be at least 6 inches deep. Plant the tubers in a mix of 2 parts clean soil, 1 part sphagnum peatmoss, 1 part perlite, and 1 part vermiculite. Cover the tubers with 1/2 inch of the mix. Begonias love a tight fit; they should be moved to the next size pot only when their roots are so crowded that they start to hide the soil ball. See Growing Plants In Containers and Containers For Plants in Yardener’s Tool Shed.

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