American Holly

American Holly (Ilex opaca)

Also called dune holly, white holly and of course Christmas Holly, American Holly is densely pyramidal in youth with branches growing to the ground. As it gets older its shape becomes more open and irregular. Some homeowners will remove the lower branches making look more like a typical tree with an exposed trunk.

American Holly leaves are evergreen. Stiff, glossy medium to olive green above, they are lighter beneath. Their broadly indented margins show the distinctive spines typical of most, but not all, evergreen Hollies. Measuring 2 to 4 inches long and 1 to 1-1/2 inches wide, (depending on the variety), the leaves are arranged alternately along the Holly stems. They remain attached for 3 years and are then shed in the spring. Some American Hollies have variegated leaves of cream and green.

American Holly flowers are creamy-white and small, with 4 tiny petals. Male flowers grow in small clusters where the leaves join the stems. Female ones are solitary or in smaller clusters than the male flowers. Males have 4 stamens sticking up between the petals, while females have bulb-like structures in the centers, with little stalks rising from them. Flowers of both sexes appear in late spring or early summer. Best to use one male plant for every two to three female plants to get best pollination. Stunning red berries, about 1/4 inch in diameter, appear on the female trees in mid-autumn on the current year's growth. Some varieties have yellow berries. They hang on into early spring. A favorite bird food, they should not be eaten by humans.

Range of American Holly

American Holly Choices
There are hundreds of cultivars of American Holly to choose from so you can be picky. Look for plants that bear fruit every year, have large and bright colored berries, and have a dense habit. This plant is sensitive to regional differences so make sure you buy a cultivar appropriate for your region. Cultivars vary with size and compactness, color of foliage, color berries, and shape. East Palatka has leaves with a single spine at the tip and grows rapidly. Miss Helen with red berries and Goldie with yellow berries are also widely grown. The foliage of female Stewart's Silver Crown is variegated with cream.

American Holly Available From

Nellie R Stevens Evergreen Holly Shrub/ Tree 4" pot

by Nellie R Stevens

  • Fastest growing, most disease resistant hollies ever bred.
  • HARDINESS: Zones 6 - 9.
  • Pyramid-shaped
  • They grow up to 3 feet per year unpruned.
  • Ships in a 4.5 inch pot with soil.

The Nellie R. Stevens Holly is one of the fastest growing, most disease resistant hollies ever bred. These evergreens stay deep green all year, unlike other hedge trees that can brown out during either the summer heat or mild droughts. Shape: Pyramid-shaped evergreen or privacy screen Pruning: Let them grow naturally into a dense, pyramidal shape. Plant 5-6 ft. apart for a fast, living wall that will give you complete privacy... no holes... no gaps. They grow up to 3 feet per year unpruned. When they reach the height you want, just clip off the leader. This will slow them down and make them thicken. You can also use hollies to accent the corners of your home, a birm, flower garden or entryway. The dark green foliage makes a great contrast to surrounding trees and shrubs. Flowers or Fruit: During the winter months you will enjoy the red berries against the deep green foliage. Watch as these berries attract all types of birds! They withstand poor soil, drought and neglect. Exposure: Nellie Stevens Hollies grow in sun or partial shade Moisture: They like well drained soil Maturity: Height 15-25 ft., or prune them into a tall box hedge Spread: 10 feet Usage This fast growing plant makes attractive hedges and screens in just a matter of a few years. HARDINESS: Zones 6 - 9.

Ilex opaca: American Holly Seeds


  • Packet contains 40 hand-sorted, high-quality seeds.
  • Slow growth rate. Interesting tree throughout the year. Shiny yellow-green leaves, .
  • Thrives in zones 5 to 8, in full sun to partial shade and well-drained, moist soil.
  • These seeds are not pre-packaged - they are hand-selected after you place your order.
  • Includes full germination instructions to get your seeds started.
  • Grows 35 to 50ft. Pyramidal in habit. Bears 1/2-inch red berries which persist through winter. Commonly used as a decoration during the holidays. Suggested uses for this ornamental plant include as a hedge, screen, and specimen plant. Native to the eastern United States.



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