Yoshino Cherry. (Prunus x yedoensis)
Yoshino Cherry grows quickly to 20 feet, has beautiful bark marked with prominent lenticels but is a relatively short-lived tree. It has upright to horizontal branching, making it ideal for planting along walks and over patios. Large specimens take on a weeping habit with delicate branchlets arranged on upright-spreading branches affixed to a short, stout trunk. The white to pink flowers which occur in early spring before the leaves develop are sometimes damaged by late frosts or very windy conditions. This is the tree along with `Kwanzan' Cherry in Washington, DC, which makes such a show each spring. Winter form, yellow fall color, and pretty bark make this a year round favorite in any home landscape.
Yoshino Cherry Choices
Afterglow has pink flowers that do not fade to white. Akebona(Daybreak) has flowers that are softer pink. Akebono has flowers that are slightly more pink than the species. Pendula has a weeping form with white flowers. Perpendens has irregularly pendulous branches. Shidare Yoshino is a small, weeping tree reaching a height and spread of about 8 feet.