Algerian Ivy Leaves Yellowing And Have Spots

Question From: TEXAS
Q: Nancy - I planted Algerian Ivy this spring around an oak tree, and while none of the plants are dying, many of the leaves are yellowing and have spots on them. The color of the dots ranges from dark black to reddish (many of the spots have a "halo"). Based on a search through this website, I believe that it is fungus because I cannot find any pests on any leaves. (However, I didn't find an explanation that perfectly matched up which is why I'm sending you a question.) Looking at the attached image of some of the leaves I picked in various stage of deterioration, are the symptoms consistent with a fungus? If so, I will take the advice on the website and buy some fungicide to spray on them. Thank you for your time.
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A: It is indeed a fungus. When you spray do so in the early morning or at sunset and be sure to cover the undersides of the leaves. Best And Happy Yardening, Nancy.