Question From: Crestline, California, United States
Q: I have a angel wing and it has been getting shiny slightly sticky leaves that then die and fall off. I do not see any parasite. What can it be and how do I save my plant?
A: The sticky stuff is called honey dew and it means you have an insect feeding on your plant. Could be mealy bugs, aphides, mites (very small), white flies or scale. Scale are small raised brown bumps on the stems and bottom of the leaves. Start by washing the plant, I assume it is a begonia, with warm water. You can use Murphy's oil soap at the rate of a teaspoon per quart of water. After it dries spray the plant with an insecticide such as Safer Soap or a Neem oil products at the recommended rate. Be sure to hit the undersides of the leaves and repeat every 4 to 5 days. It may take several applications. Do not do this in the sun as it may burn the plant. Best And Happy Yardening, Nancy