Question From: S. Freeman - TEXAS
Q: My black eyed Susan is planted in a container. It’s about 24” and is vining but no flowers. I live in Zone 8 and we are having an extremely dry and hot summer. I have a variety of fertilizers. I have regular miracle grow, MG for acid, MG bloom booster. So I’m at a loss. Can you help me
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A: My guess is you are killing it with kindness. It should be watered so it does not dry out. If it wilts in the hot afternoon sun and the soil is moist move it to a shaded location, but do not water it. It also sounds like you are over fertilizing it. Plants that are over fertilized do not bloom. Also, never fertilize plants when the temps rise into the high 80's or when the soil is dry or in the hot sun. Best time is in the evening as the sun is going down or in the morning. Best And Happy Yardening, Nancy