Can Poinsettia Root Balls Be Trimmed To Make Growth More Compact

Question From: Billings, Montana, United States
Q: I was wondering about trimming the root ball of a Poinsettia? Is it ever done as part of repotting and trimming the bush back to promote a more compact form vice being leggy? I do have bonsai and I have had these particular poinsettias for the past three years and they do rebloom but they are now very leggy and I think we would prefer a bushier more compact plant.

A: Poinsettias can be root pruned and cut back like any other plant. The colored leaves ( red, pink or white) are actually just that, colored bracts. The tiny yellow orbs in the center of the plant are the flowers. For more tips on timing and how-to, Google when to cut back Poinsettias. Best Nancy and Happy Yardening.