Question From: A. Martin - NEW YORK
Q: I am in zone 7A and all my hydrangeas look lousy. I have many branches with no growth or leaves on them that I have cut off down to the ground. I also have many with partial growth and "dead" lateral branches on the same branch. Do they get cut all the way down to ground or only take off the bare parts? And what about the dead tips, keep or cut off? Will future and current blooms be compromised? Pix are of endless summer, blushing bride, and shooting star. Thanks so much, Angela
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A: A tough winter took its toll on these hydrangeas. Dead tips will not bloom, so you may as well cut them back. I cut all mine back to basal growth. You may get some blooms out of the rebloomers. Keep them well watered. I fertilized mine with Espoma Plant Tone. Best And Happy Yardening, Nancy