Checking For Nematodes In Tree And Finding The Best Tree For Yard

Question From: G. Roberts - Allendale, South Carolina, United States
Q: How can I be certain that nematodes are in my fig tree? Is digging the tree up the only way to be certain? I planted a brown turkey tree in my yard approximately 3 years go. It has not grown much or produced fruit. The small tree looks healthy. I have been reading and I am assuming that I have nematodes. I recently moved into my childhood home and The County Extension agency does not address any issues of concern when contacted. Thanking you in advance for your help. What kind of tree would be best suited for my area? I live in Allendale, SC., Zone 8.

A: I can't answer your questions as I live in Zone 5 Michigan. Figs are not hardy here, and nematodes are not an issue. I have no idea what a turkey tree is. I recommend you get an onsite inspection from a trained professional - a certified arborist. The cost is usually under $100.00, but if you plan on growing a lots of trees and shrubs it will be well worth it. Every patch of land is different so it is impossible to assess what will grow well without scoping out the landscape. To find a professional in your area go to and enter your zip code. Also, do check references.