Question From: Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States
Q: My crape Myrtle is over 30 yrs old. I have always cut it back in February and it would sprout and bloom on schedule. A few years ago I had the black sooty mold, but treated it and the tree survived. This year , I was late cutting it back, and it did sprout new growth, but only lasted a few weeks, then withered and died. A month later, and it is sprouting new growth at the base. What should I do, cut off these suckers? Basically the trunks look dead! Another bit of info, I had spraying for mosquitoes, shortly after the new growth had begun for this season. I also had mosquito spraying last week, and the new sucker growth at the base of the tree did not seem bothered by the spraying. What should I do?
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A: Your tree is toast. You have overpruned for several years and it finally died from abuse. The shoots are its last gasp. The Grumpy Gardener from Southern Living Magazine calls your method Crepe Murder. You also planted it way too close to your house. Best And Happy Yardening, Nancy