Question From: E. Palmer - Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
Q: New leaves have come out and then after a time dropped off a honey locust that I planted last fall several times this year here in Indianapolis. I planted several other trees last fall which were not honey locust and all are doing great. Indianapolis weather has been mild this year with plenty of rain distributed fairly evenly over time. Any time we went more than a week without rain I have watered the new trees. There are no webs, worms, red mites, etc mentioned on websites for honey locust that I can see. So way the nursery which sold the trees is mystified. Any other clues I should be looking for? Thanks
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A: Could be a canker Thyoronectria austro-americana that will cause wilt and death. The tree looks like it is in a death spiral and without leaves it will not be able feed itself. I would replace it with another specie as Honey locusts are susceptible to insects and diseases. Best And Happy Yardening, Nancy