How To Get Cherry Laurel Shrubs To Produce Foliage At Bottom

Question From: GEORGIA
Q: We have 5 mature cherry laurels, "cherry Ruffle" that have become trees. No foliage to speak of for the first five feet. . We had them cut back last year, maybe 25% and of course they are still too tall . We would like some foliage everywhere not just at the top. Can these plants withstand a cut down to 4 feet.? Will that cause new growth below the cut?

A: The to get bushy growth at the bottom of the shrub is to cut 25 percent of the old growth back to the ground. It will take three years. for the renewal to be completed. I can't advise you as to how much you can cut back an the top. Cut away too much top growth and the plant will not survive. I recommend you take photos of the shrubs to a good independent garden center that sells they've shrubs.for advice. A certified arborist would be your best bet. To find one in your area go to and enter your zip code. Best And Happy Yardening, Nancy.