Question From: Farmington, Michigan, United States
Q: I have several hydrangeas around my house that appear to be dying. They are 2-4 years old. For the past month, leaves have been shriveling on about 5 of my 19 hydrangeas. On one of them, only about half the plant has produced leaves. Could be a different problem, but the shriveling leaves is a mystery. They get ample water. And my other perennials are fine. Desperately seeking help, Sylvia.
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A: Your hydrangeas may have honey fungus that will eventually kill the entire shrub. Examination of the main stem just below soil level may reveal a white fungal film under the bark. There is no cure and infected plants should be removed. To be sure I would send root samples to Michigan State for an accurate Id. For more information on how to prepare and send samples go to Good Luck and let me know what they say. Best Nancy