Question From: C. Stithem - NEBRASKA
Q: We purchased a bald cypress about a month ago (5/3/2020) and about a week or two after that (we planted it within 2 days of the purchase) the needles slowly started turning brown and will fall off when touched. I've played with several branches and they still seem able to be bent without breaking off. There is still a few areas with green needles, mostly next to the trunk of the main tree. We live in the middle of Nebraska and up until the last 10 days, it was fairly cool and wet. We also had watered the tree nearly every day, but have not added any fertilizer to it yet. Any thoughts or advice on what we could try? I've attached the picture from the day of purchase and a couple of angles as it looks today.
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A: If possible I would return the tree. While there are unknowns, my guess is the tree was in trouble when you bought it. Even if the tree survives, and I doubt it will, it will never reach the potential you are looking for. Thanks for visiting Best Nancy