Question From: K. Elizabeth - Bristow, Virginia, United States
Q: Hi there. Some friends gave us a (pine tree?) seedling for Xmas, and I made the mistake of keeping it indoors all winter (watered of course). I have since realized my mistake and transplanted it to a pot out on my deck, but it seems to be getting worse. Indoors, the very top had started to turn brown; outdoors, now its needles are turning brown all over the place! I’m fearful it’s dying, which would be very sad since it was a meaningful gift from beloved friends. I am going to attach a photo to get your thoughts. The soil is store-bought moisture control potting mix, and I have only watered it once since the initial transplant watering a little over a week ago. Soil tester reads “dry” in some areas of the pot, middle of the road in other areas, so I’m hesitant to water it again. I’m in Virginia, if that matters. Thank you in advance. Please help me save this little guy!
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A: The soil should be kept moist at all times, so water it asap. Slowly adapt it to the sun and then plant it in the ground in a sunny location. Do not fertilize it until late fall. I wish you the best, Nancy