Question From: Z. Carlson - ARIZONA
Q: This is our first year in Arizona. We have 3 16" pots with 3 plants in each. About 2 weeks ago, they all bloomed, but the inside of most of the flowers were dry with perfect petals around the dried up ones. Temps right now are 95-99,with the occasional dip to the mid-80's. But we also aren't sure what to do with them when it goes up to the 100-115 degree themselves. Than you for your help!
A: Wish I could be of help, but I live in Michigan and we don't have to deal with that kind of heat. I suggest you take pictures of the containers to a good independent garden center that sells the plants you have for help. In the mean time, they probably need daily watering and get them into shade by noon. Best And Happy Yardening, Nancy