Pussy Willow Tree Is Dropping A Sticky Sap-Like Substance

Question From: Beach Haven, New Jersey, United States
Q: My 15 yr old Weeping Pussy Willow Tree is dropping a sap-like sticky substance for the very first time. It's growing in an elevated garden & the "sap" is sticking on the plants & pots below it & leaving a layer on our paver driveway! What is it & what can I do to stop it??

A: My guess is your WPW has aphids which produce honey dew that drips when the attack is heavy. Hosing the tree with a stiff stream of water will knock them off small trees, but you may need to have a professional spray it. To find one in your area go to www.tcia.orgwww.tcia.org and enter your zip code. Best And Happy Yardening, Nancy