Question From: Hershey, Pennsylvania, United States
Q: My Shasta Daisies grow lovely full flowers in a mounded look similar to very tall cushion mums. I am so very proud of them! Until the first heavy rain or wind knocks them to the grown. They then look so droopy and brown. They do not bounce back fully after the warm sun comes out. Do you have a suggestion as to what I can or need to do?
A: Over fertilizing will cause lanky growth. Most perennials need not be fertilized once they are established. You may need to use metal supports to keep them upright. They should be installed early in spring, Tracey DiSabato-Aust suggest pruning the taller varieties back no later then July 4th for more compact growth. Shorter varieties such as 'Becky' are another option. Best And Happy Yardening, Nancy