Question From: Chatham Township, New Jersey, United States
Q: We have had a viburnum tree in our backyard for the past 12 years, and consider it one of our favorites due to its nice appearance and good health year after year. A few days ago I noticed a few sections of bark damage on our tree, a symmetrical "corn-on-the-cob" like pattern (see photo). We do have a bird feeder some distance from the tree, but have never observed any woodpeckers on the viburnum or other creatures in the act of causing this damage. Any advise or information on this condition and what action we may need take to protect and save our tree, would be most appreciated. Than you.
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A: It looks like wood pecker damage to me. I hate to tell you, but that tree is in big trouble as it looks like the cambium layer has been damaged and that's where moisture and nutrients move through the trunk. If you google how to keep woodpeckers away from trees you will find lots of methods. Do keep that tree well watered and good luck. Nancy