Winter Storage For Gladiolus Bulbs With Thrips

Question From: A. Bakewell - VERMONT
Q: I've found articles on how to treat gladiolus bulbs for thrips before planting them... but I already planted them, and now I have thrips. If my goal is to still store the bulbs over the winter, to try again next year... what are the steps I should take between now and then? Should I let them bloom at all, or cut off the flower so more energy is put into the bulb? Or will that throw off the growing cycle? Should I cut them and dig them up now to dispose of and start fresh next year? Is it worth treating the bulbs in the fall after the foliage dies back, or is that too late to save the bulb? I don't care about blooms this year, just want to know if I can save my investment in the bulbs...

A: Here is an article that states: "The best time to eliminate thrips is often during winter storage"

Happy Yardening, Nancy