Wintering Hibiscus Plants Indoors

Question From: P. DuCharme - MICHIGAN
Q: In the past you wrote about wintering Hibiscus plants indoors. Have checked The Yardener site and torn my house apart looking for the article I saved, but to no avail. Most Google hits talk about southern climates and all I want to do is save my beautiful plants so I don't have to buy next spring.


You can bring the hibiscus indoors and put it in a bright window. Keep the soil moist. Not too worry if the leaves yellow and drop. Biggest problem is bugs. Rather than spray them with insecticides a friend gives his a shower once a week. Be sure to spray the undersides of the leaves. Fertilize next March at half the recommended rate. Best Nancy and Happy Yardening.

Q: Thanks so much for your quick response. Do I do any trimming? If so, when? Thanks your column.


Cut it back in March when you begin to see new growth. Best Nancy