Caring For Osage Orange

Now is good time to check the depth of the organic mulch around your tree. It should be 3 to 4 inches deep going into the winter. Remember, the mulch material should not be in contact with the tree’s trunk.

In periods of drought, this tree should be watered just as much as other plants in the landscape. A soaker hose is the best tool, especially if it is a big tree.

Squirrels just adore the seeds of Osage-Orange and will go to much trouble to get to them. The challenge is that each seed is covered by its own individual shell. After the squirrels have had their treat there will be piles of shredded hedge apples around the base of the tree.

Optional Task – Osage Orange will definitely benefit from an annual application of slow-release granular fertilizer, however in most landscapes, they will survive just fine without that supplement. If the tree is mulched or has ground cover around its base, it needs no fertilizer.

Winter is the best time to prune Osage Orange, and very little is ever needed. Take out damage or diseased limbs. Be sure to wear gloves to avoid thorns and the harmful milky sap. The milky juice present in the stems and fruit of the Osage-Orange may cause irritation to the skin for some people, especially after long periods of exposure. This tree has very dense wood, so it will dull your pruning saw in short order.

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