Caring For Trumpet Creeper

The care information provided in this section represents the kind of practical advice is available for all the plants in this web site if you subscribe to the monthly customized newsletter Yardener’s Advisor.

Although trumpet vine sends out rootlets for attaching itself to its support, these are not terribly sturdy. High winds or the bulk and weight it develops as it ages may cause it to break away from its support, flopping or breaking apart. As a young vine grows, it is important to fasten it by means of ties of some sort of soft fabric or string to its intended support. Do not use metal staples.

Trumpet creepers do not require routine supplemental watering. Under most circumstances rainfall is sufficient. It is important, however, to water newly transplanted vines generously. Although they are fairly drought resistant, watch trumpet creeper for signs of stress during prolonged periods of drought. When watering, run an irrigation system or dripping hose for 20 to 30 minutes each time, so that the soil is slowly soaked down to 10 or 12 inches. A layer of organic mulch spread at the base of the vine will prevent evaporation of moisture from the soil. For information on products see the file on Choosing Watering Equipment

Feed trumpet creeper once a year in the fall. Sprinkle a handful of fertilizer on the soil at the base of the vine for the rain to soak in. For more information see the file for Fertilizer Products

Consider Plant Growth Activators
There are on the market a growing number of products that will help your plants become healthier, more drought resistant, more disease resistant, and even more insect resistant. These products are generally easy to use and not terribly expensive. If you want to give your plants some oomph, check out New Technology In Plant Growth Activators

A 2 to 3 inch layer of organic mulch spread on the soil at the base of the vine will help retain soil moisture, discourage weeds and protect its long, bare wood stem from accidental injury from yard care equipment. Spread chopped leaves, wood chips, pine needles or something similar out a foot or two on all sides. For more information see the file on Using Mulch

To start more vines from an existing one, take stem cuttings from tender new growth. Dip each cut end in rooting hormone that is available in the garden center and stick them in a pot of soiless potting mix. They will develop roots in a week or two and can be planted in a pot over the winter and outside in the spring.

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