How To Use Garlic Barrier

Garlic Barrier is a liquid that must be mixed with water and applied to the plants with a sprayer of some kind. It is important to mix the material exactly as prescribed on the label, not because it is dangerous but because a lot of effort has gone into getting just the right strength to be effective.

Garlic Barrier will leave an odor of garlic after use, but it disappears usually within hours. What is very strange but true is that when Garlic Barrier is sprayed on a food crop such as lettuce, it works very well as a repellent but does not leave any trace of garlic taste in the lettuce when it is harvested.

The key to success with Garlic Barrier is timing. You want to get the spray on the plants before the pest insect arrives if that is possible. There have been many reports that even after a pest has infested a plant, Garlic Barrier has been successful in ridding the plant of that pest in two or three days. Nevertheless, the product works best if it sitting there waiting for the target pest insect to arrive.

Many gardeners report success with just one application of Garlic Barrier in the mid to late spring. Most of the farmers have found that two sprays, one early and one in mid season is even better is keeping the pests away.

Like most insect sprays, it is very important to get the Garlic Barrier on the undersides of the plant leaves as well as on the top. Spray enough material so the spray is almost going to begin running off the leaves. The material will dry in a few hours and does not wash off when it rains.

Treating Turfgrass
The greenbug, Schizaphis graminum, is an aphid or plant louse that is one of the most destructive insect pests of small grains in the Midwest. Although it usually attacks wheat and oats, it also feeds on Kentucky bluegrass lawns. Areas of discolored grass, ranging from pale green to yellow to burnt orange, under shade trees or in sunny areas, may be caused by the feeding of these small sucking insects. In heavy infestations, as many as 30 of the little bugs may be found on a grass blade. Using a hose_end_sprayer ,[781 500] spray grass blades thoroughly with the Garlic Barrier, covering all surfaces every.
Garlic Barrier can be used to repel two turf pests, sodwebworms and chinch bugs. The Garlic Barrier is applied to the area that is suspect and if those pests are present, they will show up on the top of the grass blades trying to get away from the garlic. Then other control methods are used to stop the problem.

Treating Flowers & Vegetables
Adjust the Garlic Barrier sprayer_bottle [781 600] for a strong pressure with medium droplet size. Thoroughly wet all plant leaf and stem surfaces top to bottom. It is especially important to spray the undersides of leaves, where most pests congregate.

Treating Trees & Shrubs
It is more difficult to reach both the tops and the bottoms of tree foliage, especially on trees over 5 feet tall. In these cases, wear eye protection and cover bare skin when spraying. Better yet, hire a professional arborist to do the job properly.

Treating Fruit Trees
If a tree with pest insect problems is currently bearing fruit, avoid over-spraying and avoid spraying on foggy or very humid days when it takes longer for the Garlic Barrier to dry. This is because prolonged exposure to Garlic Barrier on fruit such as apples, pears, and citrus may cause spotting or russetting of the skins. Follow guidelines on the product package.

Treating Houseplants
Garlic Barrier is an excellent repellent for most of the common insects that attack houseplants, such as scale, whiteflies and spider mites. Move plants to an outside area on a nice day or to the sink or tub to minimize Garlic spray on household appointments. Spray plants thoroughly, taking care that the garlic solution penetrates dense foliage to wet all infested surfaces.

Checking For Results
Garlic Barrier will be working as a repellent immediately after application. The test of success will be if no pest insects appear at all, or in small enough numbers to be insignicant If you use Garlic Barrier on a plant with the pest insect already present, then you must wait a bit to see if there is any progress. To determine if significant inroads have been made in the existing pest insect population, examine the affected plant three days after spraying the garlic. Remember, you do not need to eliminate 100% of the pests. If the population is reduced to 10% to 20% of where it was, the survivors will serve as food for beneficial insects, which will then keep the pests at that acceptable low level. From that point on, the Garlic Barrier is repelling new arrivals.

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