Planting Beech Trees

American Beeches are even hardier than the European types and can be grown as far north as Canada (zone 3). They can withstand winter temperatures as low as -35 F. They do not do well in extremely hot climates.
Beech trees will grow in full sun to light shade. Quite adaptable, they are not fussy about soil types and even have no problem with alkaline soils (pH 6.5 to 7.5). Of course, they prefer soil that is rich, moist, slightly acid and well drained. Bare rooted beech trees do not transplant well, so select container grown or balled-and-burlapped specimens from the nursery. Having some soil from their previous growing location with them is important to beeches. Choose trees that are from 3 to 8 feet tall, ideally about 5 feet.

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