Planting Larch

American larches are able to withstand severe cold. They survive winter temperatures as low as -50° F. On the other hand, they hate heat so they are not happy below zone 4. Japanese and European Larches can live down a few zones to 6 or 7. Because they have shallow, fibrous root systems, larches transplant easily. Choose a sunny location, but not a droughty one. These trees do not mind moist soil, even enjoying wet feet, and are perfect for those areas on the property where corrective measures for soggy soil have not been effective. The European and Japanese Larches will tolerate a bit drier soil than will the American Larch. They are not particular about soil type, managing in clay and limestone as well as loam. Soil should be mildly acid to neutral (pH 6.5 to 7.5). Choose young trees from the nursery either in containers or with burlap wrapped roots and soil.

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