Problems of Trumpet Creeper

Troubled by trumpet leaf or trumpet vine leaves facing wilting, yellowing, or fungal spots? Learn practical solutions to keep your vines healthy and thriving.

Vine Wilts indicates Soil Too Dry

Occasionally vines planted near masonry walls suffer from lack of water when other plants do not. This may be because there is rubble from the construction, chips of brick, stone, mortar, etc., in the soil and it prevents the soil from absorbing and holding moisture for the vine. It is important to plant vines at least 12 inches away from this type of wall.

Woody Stems Soften due to Wood Rot

Close proximity to wood buildings sometimes causes wood rot in vines. Locate plants at least 12 inches from wooden structures so that sufficient air can circulate around them.

Trumpet creeper does not have any serious insect problems. Plant hoppers, young greenish insects concealed in whitish threads, may appear on this vine. They do not cause serious damage. The same is true of whitefly infestations. Neither merits control measures.

Leaves Yellowed; Drop, means Scale

Soft scale sometimes infests creepers. These insects lurk under small bumps, concave shells that protect them while they feed. They are oval, flattish, and greenish to brownish in color. They gather in clusters on stems and leaves, causing them to yellow and drop. Light infestations can be scraped off vine surfaces with a fingernail or cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol.

Control more severe attacks by spraying the bumps with a mixture of alcohol and insecticidal soap every three days for two weeks. Add 1-tablespoon alcohol to a pint of ready to use commercial insecticidal soap. For stubborn infestations, spray malathion according to instructions on the package. Spray the trumpet creeper vine with dormant oil in the late winter before the leaves emerge to smother any over wintering scale insects.

For more information see the file on Controlling Scale

Brown/Black Spots, Blotches on Leaves because of Leaf Spot

Leaf spot diseases in creepers are caused by any of several fungi that thrive on moist leaf surfaces. Brown to black spots develops on the leaves of infected plants, often merging to form larger patches of dead tissue. Sometimes there are flecks or black dots around the spots. These are the spore-bearing fruiting bodies of the fungus. Pick off and discard the infected leaves, and spray the leaves every seven to ten days with a flowable sulfur spray. Avoid wetting them while watering the vine. Mulching around plants helps prevent fungi from being splashed up from the ground by rain or from watering.

For more information see the file on Controlling Fungal Disease

Leaves Covered with White Powder caused by Powdery Mildew

Powdery mildew forms a distinctive white powdery coating on the leaves of the plants it infects. This fungus can occur during either very hot, dry or very humid conditions. Where vines are crowded and air does not circulate freely among them, the environment is even more favorable for powdery mildew. Badly infected leaves become discolored, distorted, and droop. As soon the telltale whitish bloom of fungi is obvious on trumpet creeper leaves, spray them with wettable sulfur once or twice, a week apart.

For more information see the file on Controlling Fungal Disease

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