Scoot Mole
By Pest Solutions, Inc.
What is Scoot Mole?
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Scoot Mole contains primarily castor oil and moles do not like the smell of castor oil or the taste of it if it is coating the food the mole is eating. Scoot Mole comes in a hose-end applicator ready to be attached to the nozzle of the garden hose and applied to the lawn. Using water with Scoot Mole simulates a rainstorm causing the mole’s food (grubs and earthworms) to come toward the surface. However in this case the grub and earthworm are coated with castor oil.
Scoot Mole with remain effective for 10 to 12 weeks depending on how much rain you get.
How Does It Work?
Determine how much you need
(Insert the Quick Reference Chart from Pest Solutions)
How To Use Scoot Mole
The Banding Trick – If you have an area of lawn that you believe to be for the moment mole free, try the banding trick. Treat a strip of lawn from 10 to 20 feet wide around the perimeter of the mole-free area.
The depth of the thatch layer will control how much water is needed to get the castor oil through the thatch and into the soil. (How do we test?//////
In Cold Weather – Set ready-to-use Scoot Mole product in a basin of hot water to thin the oil. (What temperatures are considered cold????)
For More Information
For more information about Scoot Mole, call the folks at Pest Solutions at ______ or check into their web site at