Siberian Crabapple (Malus baccata)
One of the many selections of flowering Crabapple, Siberian Crabapple is a deciduous tree with a rounded canopy of spreading branches, ultimately reaching 20 to 50 feet in height. The very fragrant blooms appear in great abundance, and the single, 1.5-inch-diameter flowers are pink when in bud but open up to white. The blooms are followed in fall by long-lasting, bright red or yellow fruits which are very popular with the birds or can be used to make a delicious jelly.
Siberian Crabapple Choices
The cultivar Columnaris grows in USDA hardiness zones 4 to 8a, has single white blooms, upright columnar growth, 30 feet high and eight feet wide, yellow fruit blushed red, reportedly very susceptible to scab and fireblight. Jackii, USDA hardiness zones 2 to 7, upright-spreading, grows 20 to 30 feet high and 15 feet wide, has pink-tinged white buds, purplish or maroon-red fruit, is reportedly disease-resistant. Adams has deep red buds, fading to pink flowers; red fruit persists until spring; grows to 25 feet. Candied Apple is slightly weeping with pink flowers then red fruits late into fall. Harvest Gold grows upright to 20 feet and a bit wider; pink buds open white then yellow fruits. Jewelberry 1989 Winner of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society’s Styer (now Gold Medal) award is small and disease resistant; sets heavy flowers and fruit every year. White Cascade grows to 20 feet with fine-textures weeping branches; white flowers and red fruits.