MYKE® for Bulbs

MYKE® Bulb

MYKE® Bulb is for use for fall and spring bulbs, in the soil or in containers. It contains mycorrhizae on a natural fine granulated carrier (perlite and vermiculite) allowing for good water retention. It increases the rooting and absorption area of a bulb’s root system for long-lasting flowering of bulbs.

Instructions For Use
1. Turn over soil in beds
2. Dig a hole according to the depth recommended for the type of bulb
3. Spread a layer of MYKE at the bottom of the hole
4. Place bulb in the hole
5. Cover with soil and water well.

When using MYKE growth supplements ( called MYCORISE™) only one application is needed. The product should be placed as close to the roots or the root zone as you can so the roots can be colonized by the fungus in the product. It takes about 4 weeks for this to happen. As the roots grow, the mycorrhizae will develop and multiply along with those expanding roots.

MYKE for bulbs is available in 1.4 quart (enough for 95 bulbs) containers.

For more information and a retail source go to Web Site for MYKE

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