Beefsteak Tomato Seeds

he beefsteak tomato is one of the largest tomato cultivars, with some varieties weighing in at over 2 pounds per tomato. This meaty tomato is grown in a rainbow of colors, from vibrant red to pale yellow to purple-black. Rather than maintaining a perfectly spherical shape as it develops, the beefsteak tomato takes on a decided kidney-bean shape, spreading out to the sides. The beefsteak tomato is one of the slowest-maturing tomatoes, with the largest beefsteak cultivars taking up to 90 days to produce ripe fruit. Typically, the beefsteak tomato vine will continue to produce and set fruit until the first frost.

These tomatoes are all big puppies, really great for having a great tomato sandwich with just one big slice of a juicy beefsteak tomato.

Beefsteak Tomato Seeds - Lycopersicon Esculentum - 0.5 Grams - Approx 175 Gardening Seeds - Vegetable Garden Seed

by Generic Seeds

  • This is a indeterminate tomato that will need staking.
  • Lycopersicon esculentum
  • 0.5 Grams: Approx 175 Seeds
  • Germination Rate: 96% - Purity: 99% - Country of Origin: USA
  • Days Until Harvest: 90



Beefsteak Bush Tomato 200 Seeds - GARDEN FRESH PACK!

by Hirt's

Beefsteak Bush Tomato - This is a determinate tomato not needing any staking.  One slice covers a hamburger bun! A popular, mild tomato. The fruits are 12 ounces in size or more, irregular in shape, bright red, and solid. The plants are prolific and wilt resistant. Indeterminate. 96 days.




Burpee Super Beefsteak Tomato Seeds - 400 mg

by Hirts: Seed; Tomato

  • Late Season
  • Fruit Weight: 17 oz
  • Indeterminate
  • Days to Maturity: 80
  • Full Sun

Better than Beefsteak! Delicious, flavorful, meaty fruits have smooth shoulders, not as rough and ridgy as Beefsteak and the blossom end scars are smaller. Prolific,vigorous plants produce luscious red fruits averaging 17 ounces.

Dutchman Tomato - 20 Seeds - Heirloom Beefsteak

by Hirt's

Huge, mid-season ifavorite. An old heirloom beefsteak. Large pink oblate, 1-2 lb. sweet fruit. Solid & Meaty!

Days: 85
Size: Indeterminate
Color: Pink
Season: Late-Season
Type: Heirloom





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