Bees are very much a beneficial insect in the home landscape. The problem is that if you get stung, they don't seem particularly beneficial at that time.
There are many kinds of bees in a normal home landscape ecosystem. Honey bees are probably the most well known, followed by the ubiquitous Bumble Bee. In addition, while you might not see them around, you may have carpenter bees and mason bees to name just two more species that are common in most yards with lots of trees, shrubs, and flowers.
In this section we try to help you identify which kind of bee you might have and give you some suggestions for making sure they do not become a problem for you or your children.
The lead researcher for bee colony disappearance in USDA has publicly stated that in fact Merit (imidacloprid) sold by Bayer does in fact make bees vulnerable to viruses that then cause the bees to die and disappear. We used to recommend Merit for controlling grubs in the lawn. We no longer do so.