Triple Crown Thornless Blackberry Plant - Potted
by Hirts: Fruits & Berries
- Large, sweet, aromatic thornless blackberries.
- The berry is named for its three crowning attributes; flavor, productivity and vigor.
- Large, glossy black berries
- Hardy in zones 5-8.
- Immediate shipping. Growing in 4" pots.
Large, sweet, aromatic thornless blackberries called "Triple Crown" will run away from the competition in the next few years. Triple Crown is the newest thornless blackberry from the Agricultural Research Service's Fruit Laboratory in Bellsville, MD. The berry is named for its three crowning attributes; flavor, productivity and vigor. Triple Crown ripens from about July 10 to about August 10. The plants yield large, glossy black. Triple Crown berries are larger than other commercially grown varieties and have a constant supply of big, flavorful thornless blackberries throughout the ripening season. Triple Crown would be a good choice to help extend the blackberry season for home gardeners. Grows best in zones 5-8.
Natchez Thornless Blackberry Plant - Great Taste
by Hirts: Fruits & Berries
- Large black fruit with great taste.
- Hardy in zones 4-9.
- Easy to grow. Large yields.
- Stores well.
- The plant you will receive is growing in a 4" pot.
Natchez, a thornless blackberry variety with large, sweet fruit is generally available for the first time this season. The variety was released by the University of Arkansas in 2007 but plants haven't been plentiful until this season.
There should be an adequate supply of Natchez plants. With its market appeal and early ripening, Natchez will play a key role in the expanding blackberry business in the United States. It will enhance the quality and profitability of a blackberry crop.
The thornless, upright variety features large, sweet berries and consistently high yields. It ripens early. The fruit of Natchez are elongated, somewhat blocky and very attractive with an exceptional glossy, black finish. The fruit is large, averaging eight to nine grams. The quality is rated good, and it stores well. It is hardy in zones 4-9.
Natchez is named for a Native American tribe, as are all the floricane-fruiting blackberry varieties developed at the University of Arkansas.
The plant you will receive is growing in a 4" pot.
Possible Problems of Blackberries
Symptoms Probable Cause
Leaves wrinkled or curled; discolored, stunted, tend to fall off - Aphids
Small holes in canes surrounded by sawdust - Borers
Very young canes cut off at soil level - Cutworms
Holes in leaves - Japanese Beetles
Foliage yellowed or white mottling, glaze of honeydew; plant weakens - Leafhoppers
Holes in fruit; leaves rolled up - Leafrollers
Leaves yellowed and may (drop)- Psyllids
Plants grow slowly; stunted; edge of leaves chewed - Root Weevils
Weaken plant, stunting growth, fewer blooms and fruit. - Sawflies
Leaves yellow, drop; bumps on leaves and stems; sometimes sticky material on leaves - Scale
Leaves stippled, yellow, dirty; webbing on interior canes - Spider Mites
Leaves discolored; black fecal spots on underside of leaf. - Thrips
Weakened plant, leaves yellowed, appears like flying dandruff when foliage disturbed - Whiteflies
Stem tips die; oval spots with purple edges, gray centers on canes - Anthracnose, A Fungal Disease
Areas between veins turn yellow, then brown; lower surface of leaves are covered with white, purple or black hairy growth. - Downy Mildew, A Fungal Disease
Soft, watery spots appear on stems, leaves or fruit; fuzzy white or gray mold forms. - Gray Mold, A Fungal Disease
White spots on leaves; eventually entire leaf is covered with powder - Powdery Mildew, A Fungal Disease
Orange or brown pustules on leaves - Rust , A Fungal Disease
Yellowing of foliage and gradual defoliation; plants may become stunted - Verticillium Wilt, A Fungal Disease
Fruit missing; purple bird manure on property - Birds
Plants disappear all or in part; growing cane tips chewed off - Deer
Young canes disappear all or in part; - Rabbits