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This insecticidal soap product controls Aphids, Mites, Whiteflies and many other common pest insects listed below. It can be used safely on Houseplants, Vegetables, Flowers and Fruits right up to day of harvest.
Concern Insect Killing Soap is an easy to apply and effective insecticide made from specially formulated potassium salts of fatty acids. It penetrates and damages the outer shells of soft-bodied insect pests, causing dehydration and death within hours of contact.
Important - Concern Insect Killing Soap does not destroy insect eggs, therefore, several applications may be necessary for complete control as the eggs already in place hatch.
Spray when insects first appear or damage is noticed. Thoroughly spray all infested areas to the point of runoff, hitting insects directly with insecticide spray where possible. Repeat application after 2 or 3 days to control aphids and mealybugs that have hatched from eggs already laid. Can be used up to day of harvest.
Concern Insect Killing Soap Kills: Adelgids, aphids, cabbageworms, earwigs, flea beetles, lace bugs, leafhoppers, mealybugs, mites, plant bugs, psyllids, rose slugs, sawfly larvae, scale insects, squash bugs, stink bugs, tent caterpillars, thrips & whiteflies.
Do not use this insecticidal soap on new transplants, un-rooted cuttings or plants stressed by drought. Not recommended for poinsettias. Avoid spraying in full sun when temperatures exceed 90&temp; F. Do not spray fruit when blooms are present. If wilting occurs within a few hours of spraying, rinse with a spray of fresh water.
This product is sold in most independent garden centers. For a retail source go to www.victorpest.com