Cooking With Lettuce

Lettuce is a prime ingredient of many kinds of salads, where it can be used as the main ingredient or as part of a salad such as mesclun, a blend of many different types of salad greens such as cresses, chervil, chicory, sorrel and other herbs, and even edible flowers. Try a quick lettuce salad tossed together with olive oil and balsamic vinegar instead of the usual white or red vinegar. Or, try a crisphead lettuce such as Iceberg with a Romaine type, mixed with artichoke hearts herbs and vinegar.

Other uses for lettuce: Take a head of iceberg lettuce, remove the central core and stuff the opening with various types of soft cheeses and spices to taste. Refrigerate for several hours and serve cut into wedges. Lettuce is also good in soups, blended with other leaf vegetables such as spinach. It can also be served tossed with freshly fried bacon bits and chopped green onions.

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