Yellow Jacket Traps

Where To Locate Yellowjacket Traps

While yellowjackets are part of the normal population of insects in residential yards, they become major pests from July through mid-September when their natural food supply becomes scarce. At this time they are aggressive and ornery as they frantically search for nectar or other sweet, sugary food.

Always place traps from 30 to 50 feet away from human activity to lure yellowjackets away from the vicinity. Hang them out of the wind 4 to 6 feet from the ground on a convenient support such as a tree or shrub branch, clothes pole, fence post or awning strut. Put them out at least an hour before an event where food will be present. In the spring hang traps where they will get late morning and early afternoon sun or evening sun. During the hot summer locate them in early and late day sun and afternoon shade.

Good places to use yellowjacket traps are:
On patio or deck
At the barbecue or grilling area
Around garbage and trash storage area
Near sandboxes and swingsets

Using Yellowjacket Traps

Protect yourself against yellowjackets when handling these traps:
Assemble them and load the bait indoors.
Wait until after dark to remove traps to clean and renew the bait in reusable traps.
Do not open traps when there are live yellowjackets inside. Immerse traps in water for about 5 minutes to drown them before opening the traps.
Remove traps after the party or activity is over so that yellowjackets do not develop a habit of coming to the area.

Have enough traps to cover the area properly:
Set out one trap for a patio or deck sized area.
Use several traps to protect an area of 3 or 4 thousand square feet or an entire yard.

Use the best bait:
Use the clear, non-toxic liquid SureFire bait for either the East or West Coast.
Check and renew bait about week if traps are for long term protection of play or camping sites. In extremely hot weather, check more often.
Replace disposable traps with new ones with fresh bait when you see yellowjackets entering the holes and then flying out again.

For more information see Dealing With Yellowjackets

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