Virginia Creeper Problems: Learn How to Deal with Common Issues
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Once established, Virginia creepers can handle periods of sparse rain fairly well. If drought persists, however, water the vine every week or so, soaking the soil down at least 6 inches. For information on products see the file on Choosing Watering Equipment
Virginia creeper is basically very self-reliant. A handful of all-purpose granular fertilizer for acid loving plants sprinkled on the soil over the vine's roots every spring is appreciated. Do not allow the fertilizer to touch the leaves or stems of the vine. Do not overdo, as too rich a diet only causes excess vegetation which might encourage disease or pest problems. For more information see the file for Fertilizer Products
Consider Plant Growth Activators
There are on the market a growing number of products that will help your plants become healthier, more drought resistant, more disease resistant, and even more insect resistant. These products are generally easy to use and not terribly expensive. If you want to give your plants some oomph, check out New Technology In Plant Growth Activators
Mulching and Weed Control
A 2 or 3 inch covering of some organic material such as chopped leaves, wood chips, pine needles on the soil around the Virginia Creeper stems helps keep down weeds. It also helps keep the soil moist, and protects the vine from possible injury from lawn mower or weed wacker. For more information see the file on Using Mulch
Virginia creeper can handle lots of shearing. Any part that has been torn from its support must be pruned, because it won't reattach itself. Always cut away any broken or diseased stems. When the vine has grown to cover the space allotted for it, maintain its size by annual pruning of new growth. Pruning Shrubs and Choosing Pruning Tools
The easiest way to acquire more Virginia creeper vines is to take stem cuttings and root them. Cut off a 4 or 5 inch length of new growth or pinch off a tender sucker that has sprouted from the stem of the vine. Strip the leaves off near the cut end and dip it into rooting hormone. This powder is readily available at garden centers. Then stick the cutting in a shallow dish or box of moistened sand, perlite or soilless potting mix. In a week or 10 days thin fibrous roots should begin to develop. When they are an inch or so long, the cuttings can be planted in pots, or outdoors.