Possible Problems of Strawberries
Symptoms Probable Cause
Leaves wrinkled or curled; discolored, stunted, tend to fall off - Aphids
Black sooty mold on honeydew made by ants herding aphids. - Ants Herding Aphids
Seedling cut off at soil - Cutworms
Leaves riddled with shotholes; plant weakens - Flea Beetles
Holes in flowers; leaves rolled up - Leafrollers
Cottony white masses on roots, stems, branches leaves; reduced plant vigor - Mealybugs
Plant stunted, leaves yellowed, lesions on roots - Nematodes
Leaves yellow, drop; bumps on leaves and stems; sometimes sticky material on leaves - Scale
Ragged holes in middle of leaves; major chunks eaten out of berries - Slugs And Snails
Leaves stippled, yellow, dirty; webbing on interior stems of plant - Spider Mites
Deformed or dwarf flowers. - Plant Bugs
Leaves discolored; black fecal spots on underside of leaf. - Thrips
Plant wilts, underground stems and roots chewed. - Wireworms
Small, dark spots on leaves; eventually leaves turn black; fruits may blacken and (drop)- Anthracnose, A Fungal Disease
White spots on leaves; eventually entire leaf is covered with powder - Powdery Mildew, A Fungal Disease
Roots rot and plant dies - Southern Blight, A Fungal Disease
Yellowing of foliage and gradual defoliation; plants may become stunted - Verticillium Wilt, A Fungal Disease
Fruit showing holes or gone - Birds
Plants disappear all or in part - Deer
Plants disappear all or in part - Rabbits
Fruit chewed or missing - Squirrels
Fruit chewed or missing - Chipmunk