Honeysuckle problems such as aphids, spider mites, and powdery mildew can hinder their growth and beauty. Learn how to address these common issues and keep your honeysuckle thriving.
Leaves Yellowed and Curled - Aphids
Honeysuckle aphids are not much bigger than the head of a pin, and have spindly legs and soft, pear-shaped bodies which may be green, brown, black, or pink. They feed on vines in the spring, when the tender new growth emerges. They suck plant sap, which causes the leaves to curl, pucker, and yellow. The infested stems die, creating tufts of dead branches or witches'-brooms.
If left unchecked, the plant's growth slows and blooming stops. Check curled leaves for the pests. If you find only small groups, spray the undersides of the leaves vigorously with water. Do this in the morning, 3 times, once every other day. Heavier attacks are more easily controlled with insecticidal soap. Spray plants every 2 to 3 days until the insects disappear. As a last resort, spray with pyrethrum.
For more information see the files on Controlling Aphids
Leaves Stippled, Webbed Over - Spider Mites
Spider Mites are not true insects, but are related to spiders. They have 4 pairs of tiny legs, and are barely visible to the eye. They may be yellow, green, red, or brown. Mites attack Honeysuckles only when the vines are exposed to the reflected heat of a south-facing wall, usually in midsummer. They pierce individual plant cells with their sharp beaks and suck the sap. This causes leaves to appear stippled with yellow or red dots. They also liked to spin fine webbing on leavs and stems. To control them, spray the pests with insecticidal soap every 3 to 5 days for 2 weeks.
For more information see the file on Controlling Mites
Young Leaves Discolor and Fall - Honeysuckle Leaf Blight
This fungal blight disease attacks new Honeysuckle leaves, causing them to curl severely and turn brown or black, then fall prematurely. Remove and destroy infected plant parts and spray the vines every 7 to 10 days with a copper-based fungicide from the time buds swell to just before flowers open.
For more information see the file on Controlling Fungal Disease
Swollen Bumps on Stems - Canker
Swollen, discolored areas on the stems of honeysuckle plants are cankers, caused by fungi or bacteria that have infected the soft tissue just under the bark. Cankers commonly split open, exposing underlying tissues and bleeding a gummy substance. The disease is transmitted by rain splash, contaminated tools, or by handling plants, and usually establishes itself through wounds.
Remove and destroy the infected stems, cutting them back several inches from the site of the cankers. If a plant is severely diseased, remove it entirely. Disinfect pruning tools with alcohol after using them on cankered plants. Spray foliage with Bordeaux mixture. In the fall, gather and destroy all fallen plant debris to reduce over-wintering populations of disease organisms.
Leaves Covered with White Powder - Powdery Mildew
Powdery mildews are caused by fungi, which produce a characteristic powdery white coating on leaves and flowers. Powdery mildew can occur in either hot, dry weather or humid conditions. It occurs more often on vines grown very close together. Badly infected leaves become discolored, distorted, and then drop off. Spray diseased plants thoroughly with wettable sulfur once or twice at weekly intervals until symptoms subside. Collect and discard all plant debris in the fall.
For more information see the file on Controlling Fungal Disease
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